
Selected scientific publications on diving medicine and physiology.

2021 Jun 30
Prolonged syncope with multifactorial pulmonary oedema related to dry apnoea training: Safety concerns in unsupervised dry static apnoea
Valdivia-Valdivia JM, Raisanen-Sokolowski A & Lindholm P.

Many competitive breath-hold divers use dry apnoea routines to improve their tolerance to hypoxia and hypercapnia, varying the amount of prior hyperventilation and lung volume. When hyperventilating and exhaling to residual volume prior to starting a breath-hold, hypoxia is reached quickly and without too much discomfort from respiratory drive. Cerebral hypoxia with loss of consciousness (LOC) can easily result. Here, we report on a case where an unsupervised diver used a nose clip that is thought to have interfered with his resumption of breathing after LOC. Consequently, he suffered an extended period of severe hypoxia, with poor ventilation and recovery.

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2021 Sep 4
Hypoxic and Hyperoxic Breathing as a Complement to Low-Intensity Physical Exercise Programs: A Proof-of-Principle Study
Balestra C, Lambrechts K, Mrakic-Sposta S, Vezzoli A, Levenez M, Germonpre P, Virgili F, Bosco G, Lafere P

Inflammation is an adaptive response to both external and internal stimuli including infection, trauma, surgery, ischemia-reperfusion, or malignancy. A number of studies indicate that physical activity is an effective means of reducing acute systemic and low-level inflammation occurring in different pathological conditions and in the recovery phase after disease. As a proof-of-principle, we hypothesized that low-intensity workout performed under modified oxygen supply would elicit a “metabolic exercise” inducing a hormetic response, increasing the metabolic load and oxidative stress with the same overall effect expected after a higher intensity or charge exercise.

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2021 Aug 21
Serum Cardiac and Skeletal Muscle Marker Changes in Repetitive Breath-hold Diving
Cialoni D, Brizzolari A, Sponsiello N, Lancellotti V, Lori C, Bosco G, Marroni A & Barassi A.

Background: Breath-hold diving (BH-diving) is associated to extreme environmental conditions, prolonged physical activity, and complex adaptation mechanisms to supply enough O2 to vital organs. Consequently, one of the biggest effects could be an increased exercise-induced muscle fatigue, in both skeletal and cardiac muscles that can induce an increase of muscles injury markers including creatine kinase (CK), aspartate transferase (AST), and alanine transferase (ALT) when concerning the skeletal muscle, cardiac creatine kinase isoenzyme (CK-MBm) and cardiac troponin I (cTnI) when concerning the cardiac muscle, and lactate dehydrogenase (LDH) as index of muscle stress. The aim of this study is to investigate serum cardiac and skeletal muscle markers before and after a BH-diving training session. Results: We found statistically significant increases of CK (T0: 136.1% p < 0.0001; T1: 138.5%, p < 0.0001), CK-MBm (T0: 145.1%, p < 0.0001; T1: 153.2%, p < 0.0001) LDH (T0: 110.4%, p < 0.0003; T1: 110.1%, p < 0.0013) in both T0 and T1 blood samples, as compared to basal value. AST showed a statistically significant increase only at T0 (106.8%, p < 0.0007) while ALT did not exhibit statistically significant changes. We did not find any changes in cTnI levels between pre-dive and post-dive samples.

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2021 Aug 25
Physiological effects of mixed-gas deep sea dives using a closed-circuit rebreather: a field pilot study
Dugrenot E, Balestra C, Gouin E, L'Her E & Guerrero F.

Purpose: Deep diving using mixed gas with closed-circuit rebreathers (CCRs) is increasingly common. However, data regarding the effects of these dives are still scarce. This preliminary field study aimed at evaluating the acute effects of deep (90-120 msw) mixed-gas CCR bounce dives on lung function in relation with other physiological parameters. Methods: Seven divers performed a total of sixteen open-sea CCR dives breathing gas mixture of helium, nitrogen and oxygen (trimix) within four days at 2 depths (90 and 120 msw). Spirometric parameters, SpO2, body mass, hematocrit, short term heart rate variability (HRV) and critical flicker fusion frequency (CFFF) were measured at rest 60 min before the dive and 120 min after surfacing.

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2004 Jul 1
A deep stop during decompression from 82 fsw (25m) significantly reduces bubbles and fast tissue gas tensions
Marroni A., Bennett P.B., Cronjè F.J., Cali-Corleo R., Germonprè P., Pieri M., Bonuccelli C., Balestra C.

In spite of many modifications to decompression algorithms, the incidence of decompression sickness (DCS) in scuba divers has changed very little. The success of stage, compared to linear ascents, is well described yet theoretical changes in decompression ratios have diminished the importance of fast tissue gas tensions as critical for bubble generation. The most serious signs and symptoms of DCS involve the spinal cord, with a tissue half time of only 12.5 minutes. It is proposed that present decompression schedules do not permit sufficient gas elimination from such fast tissues, resulting in bubble formation. Further, it is hypothesized that introduction of a deep stop will significantly reduce fast tissue bubble formation and neurological DCS risk. A total of 181 dives were made to 82 fsw (25 m) by 22 volunteers. Two dives of 25 min and 20 min were made, with a 3 hr 30 min surface interval and according to 8 different ascent protocols. Ascent rates of 10, 33 or 60 fsw/min (3, 10, 18 m/min) were combined with no stops or a shallow stop at 20 fsw (6 m) or a deep stop at 50 fsw (15 m) and a shallow at 20 fsw (6 m). The highest bubbles scores (8.78/9.97), using the Spencer Scale (SS) and Extended Spencer Scale (ESS) respectively, were with the slowest ascent rate. This also showed the highest 5 min and 10 min tissue loads of 48% and 75%. The lowest bubble scores (1.79/2.50) were with an ascent rate of 33 fsw (10 m/min) and stops for 5 min at 50 fsw (15 m) and 20 fsw (6 m). This also showed the lowest 5 and 10 min tissue loads at 25% and 52% respectively. Thus, introduction of a deep stop significantly reduced Doppler detected bubbles together with tissue gas tensions in the 5 and 10 min tissues, which has implications for reducing the incidence of neurological DCS in divers.

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