To celebrate DAN Europe’s 40th Anniversary, we’ve created a simple tool to help you share your love of diving! Isn’t that what it's all about?
Introducing Favourite Dive Site, a tool that helps you post and share your favourite sites on social media in multiple languages.
Simply name your favourite dive and its location
Add your name, the latitude and longitude of the site
You do have a picture to upload, don’t you?
Then hit the Generate Image button, and voila! Your favourite dive site can be now immortalised on Insta, Facebook, Twitter, you name it, with this FUN social media tile.
Can’t decide on just one dive? No worries. Post a series, collect them, trade them with your friends and help us share the love of diving!
DAN Europe has been caring for divers for 40 years. For us, it’s truly a labour of love. So share the love, and we’ll see you at your favourite dive site!