November 24th 2020 - In an effort to limit the potential negative environmental impact of its operations, and provide its members with new services and more exciting digital experiences, DAN Europe won't be printing and sending any more polyvinyl (PVC) member cards along with their envelopes, as of this week.
Member cards have been a symbol of DAN Europe services worldwide for almost 40 years now. They have been there since the very start, initially made of cardboard, later of PVC, featuring member details, breathtaking images signed by renowned underwater photographers and, most important, DAN's international emergency contacts. Member cards have barely changed over the years, so now it's time for them to get a major upgrade.
Going digital, going green
Digital membership cards can now be found in your personal MyDAN area or on your mobile phone, directly through the DAN Europe App (iOS, Android), or can be saved in your digital wallet. Member cards will be updated online and on your devices in real-time.
All individual members (Sport, Pro) and Club members can now access their account, along with their documentation (card, insurance certificate, insurance policy etc.) digitally. Club Members will continue to receive their 'member pack', which includes safety-related materials.
The new cards are 100% biodegradable; no manufacturing or shipping is required! Going digital is a sustainable choice, which respects the environment and reduces our carbon footprint. It also saves on resources, allowing DAN Europe to focus on its mission: to serve the diving community by keeping its emergency services active, and investing funds in safety and prevention initiatives, including scientific research. This is especially important now, in a time of great challenge.
"The diving community and the DAN Europe team share the common values of love for the ocean, and environmental protection", DAN Europe Vice President Laura Marroni explained. "PVC is the most common plastic used to make cards. When it’s thrown away, it breaks into smaller pieces, which can make their way into our oceans and eventually be consumed by marine life and enter the food chain. When it comes to our environment, every little bit counts, and switching out PVC membership cards for something with low environmental impact will greatly help", she concluded.
Promoting a more sustainable future
DAN Europe is partnering with numerous environmental projects, one of them being the EU-funded MPA-ENGAGE, and continues to execute various environmental initiatives.
Our aim is to align with and promote actions of the UN 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development, which includes 17 goals. Stay tuned for more to come through 2021!
Questions? Comments?
Drop us a line at [email protected]