MPA4Change (Euro-MED0200736) will develop a joint action plan for Mediterranean Marine Protected Areas (MPAs) to put them at the front line of climate change adaptation. Funded by the Interreg Euro-MED programme, the project started in January 2024 and, during the next two years, will capitalise the results of previous projects to enhance the long-term sustainability and capacity of MPAs through the integration of climate change adaptation to their management plans.
Marine Protected Areas against climate change
Climate change is negatively affecting the marine ecosystems. In the case of the Mediterranean Sea, which is warming three to five times faster than the world’s average rate, these alterations are even more accentuated and amplify the effects of existing threats on marine life. However, MPAs can be the solution that helps face this change.
On the one hand, the protection of biodiversity carried out by the MPAs is fundamental to maintain the resilience of the marine ecosystems. And the greater the resilience, the stronger the ecosystems will be to stand the change and recover when impacted.
On the other hand, the protection of these marine ecosystems will ensure that the services they provide and that support our society, and even tackle the negative effects of climate change, are maintained in time.
Transferring solutions that work
MPA4change's action plan includes the transfer of ready-to-use solutions, including protocols, guidance and specialised training, to provide MPAs with the necessary tools to improve their management, assess the impacts of climate change and plan their responses against it.
Besides, through dedicated events and constant liaison, we will foster the policy dialogue at Mediterranean and European level in order to get the political support for the implementation of the action plan. Additionally, we will set a roster of experts in order to guide in this process until 2030 and engage other Mediterranean MPAs to adopt these solutions.
Hence, by fostering nature-based solutions, MPA4Change aims to significantly contribute in the achievement of EU nature conservation targets in the Mediterranean basin, Europe and worldwide.
A committed partnership/consortium of experts
The partnership/consortium of MPA4Change is composed of organisations from nine Mediterranean countries. Among them there are research centres, Universities, MPA management authorities, Foundations, NGOs and private consultancies. All together, we are a team with sound experience in climate change adaptation, citizen science programmes, policy and advocacy, and communication, as well as learners willing to incorporate the knowledge and experience from the most experienced ones.
Within this team, DAN Europe represents the European, Middle East, and nearly pan-African chapter of the Divers Alert Network, providing guidance and support in the matter of diving safety. DAN is a strongly research-based organisation, applying citizen science protocols and involving volunteer divers in the collection of data and samples from real dives. DAN can easily reach thousands of recreational and professional divers, including owners and managers of dive businesses. Given its role in operational diving safety, DAN is also naturally working in close contact with technology, engineering, and IT experts.
Join MPA4Change to stand against climate change
If you are interested in learning how MPAs can contribute to face climate change we encourage you to take a look to MPA4change website. Additionally, you can register to our mailing list and receive regular project updates, newsletters and examples on how MPAs can improve their capacity and adapt to climate change
Finally, if you are an MPA and you are interested in actively join the group of MPAs that will opt to get training in climate change adaptation strategies, don't hesitate to let us know about your interest and contact us through the project email: [email protected].