
Selected scientific publications on diving medicine and physiology.

2020 Haz 20
Venous gas emboli time-series analysis from three controlled pool diving exposures at 24 h intervals
Karimpour K, Denoble P, Tillmans F, Buzzacott P, Pieri M, Cialoni D, Lambrechts K, Dayton PA, Balestra C & Marroni A.

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2020 Ara 1
First impressions: Use of the Azoth Systems O'Dive subclavian bubble monitor on a liveaboard dive vessel
Germonpre P, Van der Eecken P, Van Renterghem E, Germonpre FL & Balestra C.

Introduction: The Azoth Systems O'Dive bubble monitor is marketed at recreational and professional divers as a tool to improve personal diving decompression safety. We report the use of this tool during a 12-day dive trip aboard a liveaboard vessel. Methods: Six divers were consistently monitored according to the user manual of the O'Dive system. Data were synchronised with the Azoth server whenever possible (depending on cell phone data signal).

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2018 Ara 4
Editorial: Extreme Environments in Movement Science and Sport Psychology
Pierleoni P., Pernini L., Palma L., Belli A., Valenti S., Maurizi L., Sabbatini L. and Marroni A.

As a matter of fact, both dimensions are also well-linked together. Depending on those two parameters, hydration, gas partial pressures, effort, work of breathing, metabolism, gene expression and many other essential “ingredients” of human life and performance can vary widely. Human studies in extreme environments (altitude hypoxia, microgravity, hyperbaric, and terrestrial extreme climatic conditions) over the last decades have expanded knowledge in physiology, highlighting new routes of regulation, breaking previous old concepts, and …

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2018 Ara 4
An innovative WebRTC solution for e-Health services
Pierleoni P., Pernini L., Palma L., Belli A., Valenti S., Maurizi L., Sabbatini L. and Marroni A.

Solutions and services for e-Health and telemedicine are constantly spreading and becoming increasingly important in the health area thanks to last innovations in electronics, informatics and telecommunications. This work proposes an innovative service for the e-Health oriented to the maximum ease of use and to the sharing of vital signs. The proposal consists in a tele-counseling service based on the WebRTC technology that allows any person residing remotely from medical staff or hospital to directly interact with them.

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2009 Oca 1
An Introduction to Clinical Aspect of Decompression Illness (DCI)
Balestra C.

Decompression Illness (DCI), Decompression Sickness (DCS), Dysbaric Illness (DI), disorder, syndrome are terms associated with the clinical signs or symptoms originally generated by a reduction of absolute pressure surrounding the patient. For 100 years the definition of the “disease” is a matter of “disputes” or “consensi”. We understand nowadays that it is not enough to know how to cure evident clinical manifestations, but also to reduce or virtually eliminate the primary physical cause for the physiological damages: the gas separation phase from saturated tissues – stationary or circulating bubbles.

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