Une sélection de publications scientifiques portant sur la médecine et la physiologie de la plongée.
2013 mars 1
Can the normobaric oxygen paradox (NOP) increase reticulocyte count after traumatic hip surgery?
Lafère P, Schubert T, De Bels D, Germonpré P, Balestra C.

STUDY OBJECTIVE: To determine if the normobaric oxygen paradox (NOP) was effective in increasing reticulocyte count and reducing postoperative requirements for allogeneic red blood cell transfusion after traumatic hip surgery.

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2013 sept. 1
Functional comparison between critical flicker fusion frequency and simple cognitive tests in subjects breathing air or oxygen in normobaria
Hemelryck W, Rozloznik M, Germonpré P, Balestra C, Lafère P.

Measurement of inert gas narcosis and its degree is difficult during operational circumstances, hence the need for a reliable, reproducible and adaptable tool. Although being an indirect measure of brain function, if reliable, critical flicker fusion frequency (CFFF) could address this need and be used for longitudinal studies on cortical arousal in humans...

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2014 déc. 1
Long term effects of recreational SCUBA diving on higher cognitive function
Hemelryck W, Germonpré P, Papadopoulou V, Rozloznik M, Balestra C.

We investigated long-term effects of SCUBA diving on cognitive function using a battery of neuropsychometric tests: the Simple Reaction Time (REA), Symbol Digit Substitution (SDS), Digit Span Backwards (DSB), and Hand-Eye Coordination tests (EYE). A group (n = 44) of experienced SCUBA divers with no history of decompression sickness was compared to non-diving control subjects (n = 37), as well as to professional boxers (n = 24), who are considered at higher risk of long term neurological damage...

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2014 mars 1
The "normobaric oxygen paradox": a new tool for the anesthetist?
Rocco M, D'Itri L, De Bels D, Corazza F, Balestra C.

Hypoxia is the natural trigger for endogenous EPO production but recently the use of intermittent hyperoxia to stimulate EPO has been postulated and this phenomenon has been called the "normobaric oxygen paradox" (NOP). The "NOP" is a mechanism by which oxygen regulates the expression of the Hypoxia Inducible Factor 1 alpha (HIF-1α)...

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2014 févr. 1
Bubble stream reveals functionality of the right-to-left shunt: detection of a potential source for air embolism
Parlak IB, Egi SM, Ademoglu A, Germonpré P, Esen OB, Marroni A, Balestra C.

The existence of a right-to-left shunt may increase the likelihood of micro-embolism by allowing a flux of bubbles under hyperbaric conditions. The aim of the study was to measure the relationship between these shunts and bubbles in 10 consecutive subjects using trans-thoracic and trans-esophageal echocardiography...

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