Student Insurance Questions

If you have a Pro or Dive Centre plan, you have two options:

  1. depending on your policy, you may register some or all of your students for free. These are the Free Student Covers.
  2. you can purchase specific insurance plans for your students. These are the Student Plans. For more info, see these webpages:
  • You can do so on your MyDAN, provided you have a Pro or Dive Centre Plan.
  • Once you register your student with a Free cover or with a Student plan, you will both receive a confirmation via email.

Yes, you can use these plans for students residing in any country.

They mainly differ in four aspects:

  • Courses —The Free student covers can only be used for entry level students. The Student plans can be used for students of other courses as well.
  • Aggregate limit — The Free covers entail one aggregate cover limit of €37,500 for all students. The Student plans individually cover each student up to €30,000.
  • Duration — The Free covers last max. 90 days - student plans last up to 365 days. In any case, they both expire on the student's certification date.
  • Presence of the instructor — The Free covers stay valid as long as the instructor who's activated them is teaching the course in person. The Student plans cover the insured student no matter who is actually teaching the course.

Yes, they are valid worldwide.

Important notice: the information displayed in this page is not meant in any way to replace or complete the insurance conditions and certificates.