The DAN Europe Research team is happy to introduce DANA Health, an innovative system for real-time monitoring of remote activities, including sports practiced in extreme environments.
December 13, 2024 – DAN Europe, the global diving safety organisation, is taking action to support Members who were affected by recent liveaboard incidents, including the tragic Sea Story sinking in the Red Sea. The organisation has implemented specific initiatives to address the impact of those events on its Members.
MPA4Change is our latest commitment to enhance the role of Marine Protected Areas and restoration as nature-based solutions for climate change adaptation.
Laura Marroni, Exec. Vice President Laura Marroni is zojuist opgenomen in de Women Divers Hall of Fame (WDHOF), als erkenning voor haar inspanningen voor duikveiligheid.
Valletta, Malta, 3 januari 2024 - Zes jaar na de start en drie jaar sinds de officiële lancering, heeft de baanbrekende Bachelor of Science in Diving Safety Management met trots zijn eerste afgestudeerden gepresenteerd.
We hebben een nieuwe service geïntroduceerd die het voor DAN Europe Leden mogelijk maakt ook via internet contact op te nemen met de alarmcentrale.
We introduceren het splinternieuwe Alert Diver magazine, opgezet om het gemakkelijker en plezieriger te maken om deskundige inhoud te verkennen die zich richt op de gezondheid en veiligheid van duikers.
In het jaar waarin DAN Europe vier decennia assistentie aan duikers viert, hebben we een wedstrijd georganiseerd voor alle Leden die net als wij, 40 werden.
Om DAN Europe’s 40ste verjaardag te vieren hebben we een eenvoudig hulpmiddeltje gemaakt om je te helpen jouw liefde voor het duiken met anderen te delen! Is dat het niet waar het allemaal om gaat?
7 Aprile 2023 - Il Decreto Ministeriale 02/09/2021 in materia di formazione antincendio ha modificato radicalmente le caratteristiche necessarie per operare come formatore antincendio, imponendo precisi prerequisiti di accesso degli aspiranti formatori.
We verheugd om een aantal spannende nieuwe functies aan onze diensten aan te kondigen.
Düsseldorf, 21st January 2023 - Mark Caney, the President of the EUF (European Underwater Federation), awarded Professor Alessandro Marroni with the 2023 EUF Lavanchy Award at the BOOT 2023 show.
Geïnspireerd door het verleden: een vooruitblik in de toekomst. We kijken uit naar onze samenwerking met Leden, duikorganisaties en de gemeenschap om het duiken in de komende 40 jaar veiliger te blijven maken.
During the second edition of DAN Europe's Sustainable Tour, our team travelled around UK and Ireland to raise awareness among the diving community about the threat of Ocean Acidification.
You can save a life!
Every 16th of October, national resuscitation councils across Europe hold various national events to champion the goals of Restart a Heart Day. It’s the right time to learn more about CPR (Cardiopulmonary resuscitation) and the use of AED (Automated External Defibrillator). Organised by the European Resuscitation Council (ERC), the event intends to raise awareness about cardiac arrest and help people to learn CPR, providing them life-saving skills and the confidence to use them.
The following is a statement from our insurance subsidiary, IDA Insurance Limited, addressed to all those DAN Europe Members (resident and tourist divers, dive professionals, and dive businesses) visiting or operating in Cyprus.
June 9th 2022 - DAN (Divers Alert Network) Europe is thrilled to announce the start of a new partnership with the Midlands Diving Chamber. DAN Europe members with declared residency in the UK can now rely on a new National Emergency Hotline number: 07931 472 602.
In occasione della Giornata Mondiale degli Oceani, l’8 giugno l’isola d’Elba diventerà la base operativa di sub da tutta Europa, coinvolti in un progetto di scienza collaborativa per raccogliere dati sulle variazioni ambientali nel Mediterraneo.
Promuovere lo sviluppo della subacquea scientifica è l’obiettivo del Progetto Europeo ScienceDiver. Il corso è rivolto a studenti e laureati in discipline scientifiche, ricercatori scientifici subacquei dei prossimi anni, che dovranno affrontare sfide sempre più impegnative nel panorama globale legato allo studio dei cambiamenti climatici e all’esplorazione dei fondali marini.
Infinita bellezza del nostro mare ed aree marine protette, ma anche, vulnerabilità, impatti dei cambiamenti climatici, comunità locali, ricerca e possibilità di adattamento: questi i temi di una serie di brevi video destinati ai canali social, che a partire dal prossimo primo marzo 2022 saranno presentati dai progetti Interreg Med, MPA Engage e MPA Networks.
Nieuwe richtlijnen voor het vaststellen van fitness voor duiken, gebaseerd op soort en ernst van symptomen.
DAN Europe Training è felice di annunciare la pubblicazione del nuovo modulo didattico DAN BVM (Bag-Valve-Mask), studiato per fornire le conoscenze base e le abilità pratiche necessarie per utilizzare correttamente un Sistema Pallone Autoespandibile - Maschera di Rianimazione.
DAN Europe and Azoth System have just signed a Memorandum of Understanding for a new collaboration focusing on data collection in the field of recreational diving.
DAN Europe proudly supports DIVE PROJECT CORNWALL, a programme which aims to inform hundreds of thousands of young people and millions of adults about the importance of our oceans and raise awareness of the impact that the ocean has on human life itself, and how our very own existence depends on it.
The International School of Diving Safety and Medicine inaugurate their new premises.
Un gruppo di giovanissimi studenti, un'isola dai fondali unici ed un programma innovativo che parla di citizen science e protezione ambientale. Sono questi gli elementi caratterizzanti della Seiko Summer Class, che si svolgerà dal 1° al 4 settembre 2021 sull'isola di Ustica, vera e propria capitale delle attività e scienze legate al mare.
2 augustus 2021 - We zijn verheugd om u te melden dat we net een DAN Europe Training App hebben gepubliceerd en die nu gedownload kan worden.
Lugano, August 2nd, 2021 - The Swiss Lifesaving Society (SSS) - Lugano Section has been awarded with one of the highest recognitions in the field of underwater safety.