Whether underwater or on the surface, DAN Europe Ambassadors represent the Organisation's values of diving safety and ocean care.
Meet our special crew!

I’m based in the UK and originally from the Highland of Scotland.
Diving Spec
I do the full range of diving from technical and cave diving to freediving but I am most active recently in doing long, multi-day cave diving projects requiring underground camping between sumps and also a lot of adventure freediving (freediving in the less visited locations like mountain lakes and rivers).
Why you do it
I love exploring. Whether it’s freediving in high altitude lakes, deep inside unexplored flooded caves or unknown shipwrecks on the ocean floor it's that that drives me rather than any specific discipline within our sport.
I am very interested in what the human body, and specifically my body, can do. Pushing the boundaries and discovering, safely, where those boundaries are is important on bigger, deeper, longer, technical dives. The investment and support DAN gives to investigating where the safe limits lie and how we can keep progressing our sport safely is important.

I live in The Netherlands but I spend a lot of my time travelling and diving all over Europe. I am the most active around the Mediterranean Sea and the North Sea.
Diving Spec
I am a CCR & Technical diver with a preference for ocean diving. My specialty is marine conservation in a broad sense. This includes cleaning up waste, identifying problems with the aim of making them visible to a wider public but also conducting (scientific) research.
Why you do it
I have dived all over the world and my focus is always on underwater pollution and disturbances that need to be dealt with. Since 2007 I have been working on the removal of lost fishing gear in the North Sea and started my first formal project in 2009. With marine conservation running through my veins, in 2012, I decided to devote my diving exclusively to environmental protection and established the Ghost Diving Foundation with the aim of tackling the problem of lost gear on a global scale with volunteer divers.
I've been a DAN member since the first day I started diving simply because I believe in its mission. I hope that with our work we can also support DAN Europe with data and the experience we have gained in our specific field in recent years.

I am originally from Bulgaria, but I currently live in Germany.
Diving Spec
I am a dive travel blogger and started Dive into Life to inspire divers to discover new destinations and travellers to take a plunge and fall in love with the beauty of the underwater world.
Why you do it
It pains me to see the mass destruction that is happening to the marine ecosystem so I have set out to use my diving adventures to show people why they should care about adopting an eco-friendly lifestyle and to remind divers of how fragile marine life can be and what we can do to preserve it while still having fun.
I dive in the most remote places and I would only trust DAN to take care of my own health and that of my children. There is no other organisation so specialised and dedicated to diver’s needs, which is so advanced in the field of research and provides quick and reliable support worldwide.
As a DAN Ambassador, I aim to remind divers about dive safety procedures in a joyful way via social media.

I was born and raised in Poland, however 4 years ago I moved to Malta, where I had the opportunity to fully explore my interest in underwater photography.
Diving Spec
I am a PADI and SSI instructor, cave and tech diver. I've engaged in the activities of an environmental NGO 'Zibel', which expanded my view on what diving can be.
Why you do it
I was always interested in history, nature and photography. Being born in Poland, which is an amazing place to experience history first hand while diving, hooked me on exploring the underwater world. I made a decision to use my passion for photography and allow others to enjoy the beauty of diving. After years of diving I realised that I can use my skills to spread awareness on environmental issues we face nowadays.
I feel that the main goal of DAN is providing divers with the most updated knowledge on very important matters - safety, health and environmental protection. Starting bachelor's studies 'Science in Diving Safety Management' made me realise how crucial the work of DAN is for the diving community. As a DAN Ambassador I am able to spread DAN's work and share my knowledge and passion with others.

Belgium. Travelling a lot!
Diving Spec
Cave/mine and wreck diving. Normoxic 60 metre range and ccr diver.
Other passions: caving/speleology.
Why you do it
The feeling it gives me. It is the closest feeling I can relate to pure happiness, most peaceful. It takes away all the stress out of my life and makes me a better person. I started diving out of fear of the oceans and turned into my biggest passion. The challenge and that you can train to make yourself a better/safer diver is as well something that motivates me.
Safety is one of the most important things in diving: the safer you can dive, the more you will enjoy!
DAN is more than just insurance and provides us, as divers, information we would like to know for better/safer dives. To be able to share this information to my followers, dive buddies and students is an absolute honour and is necessary. Thanks to DAN I learn a lot of new things and isn't the possibility to keep learning an incredible thing in life?

United Kingdom.
Diving Spec
Rebreather diver loving caves, mines and wrecks. Passionate about our Oceans, sea life future and conservation.
Why you do it
Diving has changed and shaped my life. I can't live without it. It's created me, made me who I am today. Together with Sara and Sanne we've created The Cavettes group to be able to share our passion.
Joining DAN's family will help me to share Oceans awareness wider. I truly believe we can help our Blue Planet and the best way to do it is to educate, spread the word and unite together because TOGETHER WE CAN.

Serbia and all around the world.
Diving Spec
Scuba and freediving instructor, underwater model, photographer and videographer.
Why you do it
I have dived my whole life. Since my earliest childhood, I simply enjoyed being underwater, as well as introducing other people to the underwater world.
Because DAN is the widest network which cares about divers' safety.

Serbia and all around the world.
Diving Spec
Scuba instructor, photographer and videographer, drone operator.
Why you do it
I started diving for underwater photography. However, very soon it turned from a hobby to a profession. I often say that I have the best job in the world – because I love it.
I have always admired those who move forward without boundaries. DAN does exactly that throughout its operations and research. I am very grateful for the opportunity to be a part of something like that.

Finland (also Sweden) though I am Australian.
Diving Spec
My main interest from a professional standpoint is in scientific diving methodology. This especially applies to advanced diving techniques applied to research work including rebreathers, overhead and developing techniques to meet research requirements. In this role I run the Finnish Scientific Diving Academy at the University of Helsinki.
Outside of work my main passion in diving is wreck and mine exploration, especially in the Nordic and Baltic regions in addition to teaching in these and other areas.
Why you do it
It's hard to say why I dive. It started with a childhood fascination with marine life (later seeing me studying marine zoology) but that developed and changed. Part of it is the excitement of going to new places, seeing things that so few if any people have before and sharing that with the world which is the exploration side. I like the challenge in some cases, such as learning new skills or developing techniques to address a specific research question. Mainly though I feel a sense of peace when submerged whether relaxed diving on a tropical reef, collecting samples or data for a project or exploring new territory deep in a flooded mine or cave.
Pretty much diving is part of everything in my life; career, lifestyle, enjoyment, holidays, family pretty much everything.
DAN has always been a vital component of the diving world, especially in their research network. While many divers do not realise it, the work that DAN does affects their diving in a positive way with studies contributing understandings in diver health or purely covering them when taking a diving trip with insurance and a support line. As part of my goals in diving are to train divers to be safer, have more knowledge outside their basic dive programs and move through their diving career regardless of level without being scared of representing an organisation whose goals are the same makes sense.
Being asked to be an Ambassador for DAN Europe is a great opportunity to work closer with the foundation and help raise awareness of the work it does in the general diving community, for which I feel honoured.

Diving Spec
Since I was a child I have had a very special connection with the ocean. I grew up watching Jacques Cousteau documentaries and I always knew that I wanted to dedicate my life to the sea. Therefore I graduated as a biologist and became a diving instructor. After several years travelling around the world, where I was able to dive in incredible places and learn from every experience, I decided to start Odicean, a project that aims to conserve and protect the oceans through diving expeditions and courses.
Why you do it
I can't conceive of any other lifestyle than underwater. I need to be in direct contact with nature and enjoy the ocean's wonders every day. Diving brings me peace, joy, well-being... and I feel I have the responsibility and duty to take care of our oceans and the creatures that inhabit them through education.
DAN exists to help and protect divers, just as we exist to conserve and protect the oceans. Sharing the same values and philosophy not only means that our paths have crossed in this adventure, but that together we can spread this love for the ocean and try to raise awareness worldwide. We are the last generation capable of reversing the current situation that is disrupting the natural balance.

Our home country is Germany, but we’re regularly travelling all around the world and we dive mostly outside of Germany. After more than 10 years going back and forth, we consider Indonesia our second home, but we also know other places really well, for example Iceland, Gozo (Malta) or Elba. But the Coral Triangle in SouthEast Asia, specifically in Indonesia, is definitely our favourite place to dive. The underwater world there is just mind-blowing!
Diving Spec
We’re both certified as Divemasters. Hendrik is diving in sidemount configuration and is very happy with it. The comfort and additional air, and also the safety of being able to control his tanks, makes sidemount the perfect set-up for him. Claudia continues to dive in backmount configuration, she already has the large underwater camera with her. Besides exploring the ocean and discovering amazing underwater worlds, our biggest passion is filming underwater and telling stories about protecting the ocean.
Why you do it
Both of us have always felt a strong connection to the ocean. When we were kids, each of our parents always took us on beach holidays, where we spent most of the time in the ocean, swimming, snorkelling and so on. Many years later, we were on a holiday together, and decided that we wanted to learn scuba diving. That was when our world was completed. Being underwater feels so natural to us. Diving allows us to explore a world that is hidden to most people. It’s both adventure and meditation.
We were overwhelmed by the immeasurable beauty of the underwater world, but soon also confronted with the vulnerability of the ocean and its unique ecosystems. With our own eyes, we saw the problems our ocean is facing, for example pollution, climate crisis, coral bleaching, overfishing and species extinctions. We decided to become ambassadors of the underwater world and use our cameras and skills to focus on documentary films about environmental issues and on the conservation of marine habitats. After all, the ocean is our planet’s fundamental life support system, and we want to raise awareness that protecting the ocean is not just about the beauty of the ocean, it is about our very own survival on this planet.
DAN shares the same views about scuba diving and the role of scuba divers in the ocean. We work on a highly professional level, so it was obvious for us to work together with professionals as well. DAN is the perfect partner for us, regarding the long time we are underwater and on travels. For us, DAN is not just an insurance. The fact that they are doing research on diving physics is very important to us too: Scuba diving in the ocean is a bit like being an astronaut, floating in outer space, relying on technical equipment for survival. We appreciate that DAN is constantly striving to make diving safer for everyone. We are extremely happy to be part of the DAN family, this big family of explorers, adventurers and ambassadors of the ocean. Being a part of DAN makes us feel at home in the same way that being in the ocean does.

I was born in Belgium and now live in United Kingdom, West Sussex.
Diving Spec
Full Cave Diver RAID, Underwater & Wildlife Photographer, Ocean Ambassador.
Why you do it
Out of passion! The ocean is our source of life, helps us heal, I want to give back by helping to bring awareness about the challenges faced!
DAN Europe helped me out after an undeserved case of DCI at the beginning of my diving, which made me very appreciative of dive insurance and I believe it should be required for every diver in every country. An accident can happen for many reasons out of our control and when it happens professional support and assistance is a huge relief. DAN Europe’s Dive safety campaigns, checklists, education and research are valuable for every diver, every level. To know your own limits is very important in dive safety and continuous education too. We have to take responsibility to be the best we can be in what we do and DAN Europe delivers a lot of the tools. I’m very honoured to be an ambassador for DAN!

Israel, Eilat - on the red sea.
Diving Spec
I'm a PADI examiner, Tec trainer & freediver but most of all I love my snorkel mask and fins.
Why you do it
My biggest passion is underwater photography and being in the presence of the wild animals of the underwater world. Diving is just a means for me to be down there as close as possible to the moment and I don't really care whether It's a snorkel, regulator or rebreather in my mouth.
There are many dive insurance companies. I choose DAN because of the knowledge and passion for the ocean that the people in the Organisation have. When I started diving professionally I was amazed how little do we know about the effects of scuba on us humans and I really liked the information DAN EU is studying and sharing with the community on a regular basis. I am proud to be a part of the team.

I'm Belgian, but I feel part of the world because I'm good with all people, no matter where I go. I dive a lot in Belgium, France and the Netherlands. But I enjoy discovering other horizons all around the globe.
Diving Spec
As a diving instructor, blogger, author and photographer, I love to inspire and encourage people to discover and protect the underwater world. That's why I created my blog Different Dive in 2017. I also love to try new activities regularly such as cave diving that I have been practicing for two years. All bodies of water fascinate me, no matter if they are salty or not.
Why you do it
I have always been deeply in love with the aquatic environment since my very early childhood. In the water, everything seems so simple to me. I practiced swimming for a long time and became a lifeguard. It wasn't until late that I started diving. And it was love at first sight. So much so that I left my job as a trainer in a company to devote myself entirely to diving and transmitting information to the greatest number with kindness and respect for everyone's differences. I write books that are accessible, inspiring and fun.
DAN is a no-brainer for me. I joined the organization in my very first year of diving for the insurance component. But very quickly, it was the scientific research and the increase of knowledge for the whole community that seduced me. In the information and education work I do through my blog Different Dive, security issues are central and I often refer to DAN. Also, I am very proud to be able to be an ambassador for this organization that works for the safety of everyone around the world.

Diving Spec
CCR Trimix diving, loving wrecks and caves. As a doctor of molecular biology, I am also very interested in the preservation of our wonderful planet. Underwater model.
Why you do it
3 simple reasons. Passion, passion, and passion!
As a scientist and diver I have always admired DAN for being a leader in diving research and safety. In 2016 I had a privilege to get the DAN Europe internship and spent an amazing month in DAN E headquarter, learning about diving medicine, research, safety and ecology. It's an honour to be a part of DAN's family and help you protect and educate divers.

I am from France but currently based in South East Asia.
Diving Spec
I am an underwater filmmaker/photographer, and I do everything from technical, cave, wreck, mine exploration, to recreational shallow water diving. I also recently picked up freediving and I absolutely love the feeling of it. Most of my diving adventures are multi days exploration dives in extremely remote locations.
Why you do it
Just the feeling to being immersed in water and gliding weightless is already more than enough reason.. but I also love to be the first one seeing a cave, or wreck, and the whole team aspect of technical diving. At the same time, I can spend hours snorkelling, waiting for the perfect light and marine life on a shallow reef with my camera.
DAN is much more than my diving insurance. I have been a DAN member since I started diving and they have always been helpful for any safety question I had, for me or my students. I love the fact that DAN doesn't stop at the emergency level but actively does research in diving and physiology. All in all, I know DAN has my back, in my house reef, or in a extremely remote location.

Costa del Sol, Spain
Diving Spec
I’m a Scuba Instructor that has a passion for education and conservation surrounding the underwater world.
Why you do it
Scuba diving captivates me for its unique blend of exploration, serenity, and our part in ocean conservation. I love to explore shipwrecks and learn about the vast amount of marine life that surrounds us. Additionally it also provides me with a profound sense of serenity and oneness with nature. Yet, my love for scuba diving goes beyond personal fulfilment, as I become an ambassador for marine conservation, witnessing firsthand the fragile beauty of the oceans and feeling compelled to protect these invaluable ecosystems for future generations.
I chose DAN because when it comes to scuba diving, safety is my top priority. Knowing that diving carries inherent risks, I wanted a reliable safety network that I could count on in case of emergencies. With DAN's extensive experience and expertise in dive safety, accident management, and medical assistance, I feel confident that I am in good hands during my underwater explorations. Their commitment to research, education, and training also aligns perfectly with my values of responsible diving and conservation. By being a part of the DAN community, I not only ensure my own safety but also contribute to the collective efforts in protecting our oceans and promoting safe diving practices for everyone involved.

Sweden & Philippines
Diving Spec
I'm a divemaster, level 3 freediver, underwater content creator, ocean advocate and contributor to the Scandinavian dive magazine DYK.
Why you do it
The Ocean calls me. I feel most alive when I'm near, on or in the water. From gliding the tropical coral reefs in the Philippines to wild African adventures, I take it all in. Everything from sharks to sea slugs. With my own eyes I witness the problems our oceans face, and I'm driven to make a difference through conservation.
I became a DAN Europe member when I turned PRO years ago. Since then I've seen first hand the level of service and support DAN has given divers, even in the most remote locations. It’s a product I wholeheartedly believe in.

I reside in both Poland and Italy where I carry out sidemount courses all year round.
Diving Spec
I specialise mainly in sidemount diving and my passion is using this equipment in a diverse underwater environment. I believe that, contrary to some biassed opinions, SM diving can easily be utilised not only in caves but is also a very user-friendly system for open water, sea and quarry diving. Obviously, on condition it is wisely and accurately trained.
Why you do it
I have fallen in love with sidemount and its overall beauty, its simplicity and its holistic characteristics. I take delight in analysing its potentials and have committed myself to mastering this way of diving and develop my personal skills using it. It is a type of diving that is really rewarding, offering you the feeling of lightness, security and liberty of movement.
Ever since I started diving DAN has been the synonym of a reliable, respectable and solid Organisation that aims not only at providing people with insurance coverage but also an association that does its best to do research into the safety of diving to the best of its ability. DAN’s reputation and treatment of its customers speak for themselves. DAN never lets you down.

Diving Spec
I’m a Scuba Diving Instructor, Technical Diver, Cave Diver, Biologist, and Underwater Photographer and Videographer.
Why you do it
Growing up in a landlocked country with little access to the sea, I was amazed by the life beneath the surface when I first dove. The ocean is where I feel most at home—calm and relaxed. My goal is to showcase this world to others through my photography. While I love exploring sunken history, like wrecks, and caves, I also have a deep desire to raise awareness about the issues facing our oceans and the importance of protecting this precious environment.
Diving safety is a priority, and DAN represents this! Beyond just support, DAN's commitment to the scientific aspects and research of diving safety makes it a reliable and respected organization.

Diving Spec
PADI Course Director, ecologist, and marine conservationist.
Why you do it
I love seeing the happy faces of people discovering the underwater world, that exact moment in their eyes when you know their world has just expanded. Diving is more than just a sport or activity for me; it holds a deeper significance. It offers a unique path to each diver and reveals different dimensions to each of us. So, each a person can find something very unique in this experience. Everyone seeks happiness, and diving is a direct route to finding inner and outer joy. It is a truly transformative experience that will impact your everyday life, and you will never be the same. One of my missions is to build a strong professional diving community with exceptional teaching skills and attitudes globally and drive the development of quality instructor training in Egypt. For me, the quality of training and safety that my instructor candidates give to their students is a priority.
Since the beginning of my diving career, I have chosen DAN. It's reliable and trusted and it just feels right. It is like having a good buddy underwater, an absolute must.